alternatively you can save your textures as tif from photoshop (make sure the image size is 512x512 or 1024x1024). save them into your objects folder.
Normal mapping is a technique used for faking the lighting of bumps and dents. Normal maps can be created in photoshop either using the nvidia dds plugin (file/save as/*.dds) or by downloading xNormal and using the photoshop filter.
once you've exported your object into sandbox, open the material browser and select the objects material by using the eyedropper [see below]. you can change the texture file by clicking on the folder next to the channels.
The diffuse channel is the standard texture file which represents colour. By expanding the + box next to diffuse you will have options for tiling of the texture. This tiling will be reflected throughout all of the other channels.
Diffuse Map:
The specular channel defines shine. Use either gray scale images where white is shiny, black is dull and gray is anything inbetween. Change the specular colour (default black) to a light grey. Then adjust Specular Level and Glossiness to suit the material.
Specular Map:
Normal mapping is a technique used for faking the lighting of bumps and dents. Normal maps can be created in photoshop either using the nvidia dds plugin (file/save as/*.dds) or by downloading xNormal and using the photoshop filter.
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